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'Literally heart-felt piece of gentle physical theatre.' - Donal Hutera


Set against a backdrop of gauze, pills and antiseptics, Throb is a fantasy

about illness.  A cardiovascular romance inspired by a very personal story,

this bittersweet duet is a tribute to anyone who has had to care for someone

they love. 


Funded by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.


Premiered at The Place, January 2013.

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'Inspired by events in Mercier’s family, the piece charts the rituals occurring

between a terminally ill man (Tim CJ Chew) and his carer (Mercier). The action

takes place in a curtained off hospital space, and is set to fragmentary snatches of dialogue and TV commentary.'  - Luke Jennings, the Observer




Throb  :  a cardiovascular romance

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